In his 20th-plus return to UUFH, Marc Mullinax will address UUFH’s mission, passion, and unique voice, linking these with UUFH’s history and future. There is a “song of the universe” that this congregation hears, uniquely processes, and “sings” again for the many benefits of Hendersonville (and beyond). Ever with us, and yet never twice the same, this “song of the universe” reminds us of our common community, justice, longings, and even future. Come sing along! We are all in this “choir,” rehearsing and then releasing this song!! Let’s “practice” on January 9 together!

Marc Mullinax is Professor of Religion at Mars Hill University. His courses include “Religions in Appalachia,” “Hinduism & Buddhism,” “Angels & Demons: A History of the Religious Imagination,” & “Religions in America.” His book, Tao te Ching: Power for the Peaceful, was published later this spring. During this time of Covid, he walks more and takes more pictures,. Marc remains a joyful Baptist.