The Hendersonville City Council is elected on a nonpartisan basis. I will explain how this came about, how the elections are held, and how the council operates when some members are closely tied to political parties.

Ms Volk was born in Chicago. She received a BA in mathematics from Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Indiana. She attained a certification in Medical Record Administration from Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. In 1975, she and her late husband, Dr. James Volk moved to Hendersonville. Barbara was elected to City Council in 1989. She was elected as Hendersonville’s 1st female mayor in 2009. Ms Volk is active in many community organizations; Hendersonville Rotary Club (past president), GFWC Forrest Woman’s Club, The Healing Place board and many others) Ms Volk is a member of Mt. Pisgah Lutheran Church. She has two adult children with families of their own.
Topics: Democracy, Knowledge, Perspective, Principles and Sources