“The Divine Pronouns”

  • Speaker: Dr. Marc Mullinax
  • Musician: Shirley Gruenhut on piano
  • Order of Service

In his 30th-plus talk with UUFH, Dr. Marc Mullinax talks about getting beyond a personal idea of God, the Divine, the Holy, or whatever name one wishes to borrow or assign to the Nameless. Dropping the idea of a personal God changes every everything: worldview, ethics, and how one relates to the universe moment-by-moment. What happens, if we drop the “He,” the “Him,” or even the “She” or “Her” and think of the divine as “They”. Whoa! Come learn more!

Speaker: Dr. Marc Mullinax

Marc Mullinax is a friend of this congregation; having spoken here 30 or more times in the past 22 years, speaking on matters ranging from Separation of church and state, free will, Joy, on how not to “thingify” persons, and imagining religion without the afterlife. He has authored a translation of Tao te Ching, and runs a podcast called “Power for the Peaceful” on Taoism. Marc was Professor of Religious Studies at Mars Hill University for 22 years, and now works as a House Interpreter at the Biltmore House. He has two granddaughters that inspire him to be here today.

Musician: Shirley Gruenhut on piano

Shirley is an avid chamber music player and New York native who now calls Hendersonville home. A graduate of Brooklyn College, she was the first time recipient of the prestigious Charles Ives Award for excellence in musical performance. She studied graduate level piano accompaniment at the Manhattan School of Music. She assisted at the Metropolitan Opera House studios and has performed regularly in New York, as well as Europe and Israel. Shirley is a member of ACMA-Association of Classical Musicians and Artists, Sing For Hope, and ACMP-Association of Chamber Music Players. She is also a professional member of AAPF, the Asheville Area Piano Forum. She was founder of several chamber music ensembles

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Order of Service

  • Worship Associate: Becky Reid
  • Musician: Shirley Gruenhut
  • Story for All Ages: Sunday Parker
  • Speaker: Dr. Marc Mullinax

Chiming of the Singing Bowl

Prelude: To Bill Evans by George Shearing

Words of Welcome, Announcements, and Introduction of Speaker

Lighting of the Chalice & Call to Worship

*Singing: #100 – I’ve Got Peace Like a River (verses 1 -3)

Story for all Ages: What are Your Words? by Katherine Locke

*Singing: Go Now in Peace

Reading: What’s in a Name? Becky Reid

Interlude: French Suite V: Saraband by J.S. Bach

Sermon: The Divine Pronouns

Stones of Joy and Concerns

Prayer and Meditation

Offertory: Du Biste Die Rue, Opus 59 #3 by Franz Shubert

Dedication of the Offering:
To the work of this congregation,
which is weaving a tapestry of love and action,
we dedicate our offerings and the best of who we are.

*Singing: #131 – Love Will Guide Us


Postlude: French Suite V: Gavotte by J.S. Bach

*Please rise in body or spirit.

We gather for worship and fellowship each Sunday with a service at 10:30 followed by coffee hour. Dress is casual. Parking is plentiful. And our building is accessible.

Family Ministry / Sunday School: All Ages meet in Sanctuary at 10:30 AM Children go to classrooms at 10:45 after the “Story for All Ages.” On the lower level, we have a nursery for infants and toddlers, and we have classes where children and youth learn about and explore faith, religion, justice, and community.

We welcome you: your whole self, with all your truths and your doubts, your worries and your hopes. Join us on this extraordinary adventure of faith!