Marc Mullinax returns with a theme from his new book, “Tao Te Ching: Power for the Peaceful.” As we pass through this beautiful Spring, and with Earth Day behind us, Marc wonders aloud with us what “Tao” is saying to us in our world today? As you know, we don’t pay nearly as much attention to the voices, sights, sounds, and souls that are invisible to us. Yet, because we are originally, and still-rooted in Nature, we are still connected to the “invisible” around us, right? And, if we are all connected – across time, space, and species – then how might we better hear, see, and live more responsibility in relationship to our connections right this very moment? What is crazier, Nature speaking to us, or human beings listening?

Marc Mullinax is Professor of Religion at Mars Hill University. His courses include “Religions in Appalachia,” “Hinduism & Buddhism,” “Angels & Demons: A History of the Religious Imagination,” and “Religions in America.” His book, Tao te Ching: Power for the Peaceful, was published this year, 2021, by Fortress Press. During this time of quarantine, he walks more and takes more pictures, which he posts to Instagram @marcmullinax. Marc remains a joyful Baptist, even though he has considered all the facts!