Settled Minister Search- Blog

April 1, 2022

Meg Hoke – Communications

  Greetings, from the Settled Minister Search Committee 


As promised, we wanted to let you know the results of the first round of our search as soon as possible. 

Just to review, in January, we had multiple candidates review our Congregational Record and put themselves forward for consideration. We interviewed a few of the applicants and then narrowed our options down to one, as we felt that person was the only one that had the qualifications and experience to meet the needs and fit the personality of our congregation. 

They came for an interview weekend, and we made a hopeful offer

Unfortunately, they opted to go another way.

So, we do not yet have a settled minister candidate to present to the congregation.  We are disappointed, but find comfort in knowing that we did our best, and did not settle for anyone we did not feel would be right for our Fellowship.

The search is not over.  We have recommended to the UUFH Board, and they have agreed that we should enter into a second round of search.  In our discussions with UUA, we know that many good matches are made in additional rounds of searching.

The second round of search begins on April 8th.  This round will be more compressed time-wise, but we will be ready and we are eager to see who else might be out there for us.  We continue to have faith in this process, and are NOT discouraged.

We will be present on Sunday ( 4/3), to speak further about our experience so far and answer questions.

Again, we are honored to be on this committee and appreciate your trust and support.


Your Settled Minister Search Committee

The Search Committee is proud of our work and proud of this Fellowship.  Thank you for your trust in us.   If you have questions, please contact your
Settled Minister Search Committe Team;
Bill Elder, Chair
Ron Partin, Survey developer
Meg Hoke, Communication
MC Gaylord, Finances
Mary Highberger, Cottage Meeting/Focus Group Coordinator

Once again, it is an honor for us to serve in this capacity
We continue to do our best, and are open to questions, concerns, and assistance.

Thank you for your confidence in our team, for your support, and, especially, thank you for YOUR commitment to and engagement in this process.