Meg Hoke – Communications
Greetings, from the Settled Minister Search Committee
Well friends, we entered the second round of search with hope that this round would bring us an excellent candidate. We did, in fact, receive notification of such a candidate. However, before we could even set up a preliminary Zoom interview, that candidate had to withdraw due to unforeseeable family issues.
This means that we are now at the end of this year’s Settled Minister search effort. However, this congregation has much for which to be grateful and proud. First, there has been remarkable participation and support throughout this entire effort. We had great engagement with the survey, focus groups and cottage meetings last fall. This team definitely felt buoyed by the trust of the congregation. The team itself has worked well together, and we feel that we truly gave this our best effort.
Second, we were fortunate to have caught the interest of some truly wonderful candidates in a year where there were just not that many ministers looking for a Settled position. We received positive feedback from the candidate we did make the offer to, and are confident that the decision not to accept was not because of anything our congregation lacked, or the team didn’t do, but more about the personal needs and preferences of the candidate.
Third, we did not grow desperate and try to change our approach or settle for someone that did not meet our criteria. The team feels confident that this was just not the right year for us to make the best match.
So. What happens now? You will hear more from the Board about next steps. But we will move forward!
Once again, this committee would like to share our gratitude in recognizing what an honor it has been to serve UUFH in this effort. We have renewed appreciation for our congregation and every confidence that as we move into the next phase of our congregational life, we will remain a steadfast and loving community in every way.
The Settled Minister Search Committee
A Pastoral Note From Rev. Don HERE
The Search Committee is proud of our work and proud of this Fellowship. Thank you for your trust in us. If you have questions, please contact your
Settled Minister Search Committe Team;
Bill Elder, Chair
Ron Partin, Survey developer
Meg Hoke, Communication
MC Gaylord, Finances
Mary Highberger, Cottage Meeting/Focus Group Coordinator
Once again, it is an honor for us to serve in this capacity
We continue to do our best, and are open to questions, concerns, and assistance.
Thank you for your confidence in our team, for your support, and, especially, thank you for YOUR commitment to and engagement in this process.