Settled Minister Search- Blog


Meg Hoke – Communications

As promised, this blog will keep the congregation updated on the work of the New Minister Search Team.  This past weekend, we had our official retreat with the Unitarian Universalist Minister’s Association representation, Developmental Minister Rev. Ann Marie Alderman.  Ann Marie has many years of experience which were evident as she took us through every step of the Search, offering advice, reassurance, tips, and challenging us to stretch our ideas of ministry.

Settled Minister Search Committee – retreat, July 2021

The retreat was by Zoom, and took place over two days.  The entire team was present throughout. 
The first night, we developed a team covenant – our promise for how we will interact with each other as well as the congregation and applicants. 

  • We will be honest, open and respectful, operating as a team.
  • We will cherish each other’s gifts.
  • We will maintain confidentiality.
  • We will share work equitably, as best we can.
  • We will engage each other and our congregation’s members with deep listening.
  • We will ask for help when needed.

The next day, we thoroughly reviewed the search and selection process, and delved deeply into the work we are about to start as we get into Autumn.  Here is what is coming, and we hope you will participate fully as a congregation and individuals.

  1. Congregational Survey – A detailed survey designed to acquire feedback from the entire congregation.  We have several examples of surveys available to us, which we will tweak to try to best fit our Fellowship.  This will be your first opportunity to give us formal feedback.  Please watch for it and complete it!
  • Beyond Categorical Thinking Workshop – Y’all, this is really exciting chance for us to learn, explore and grow as a congregation, as well as a way to help us consider ministry candidates in a non-discriminatory fashion.  You can learn more about it here:
  • Cottage Meetings – These will provide a forum for much more personal and in-depth conversations about what folks in our congregation are hoping for and dreaming of for our Fellowship and incoming minister.  We’ll be offering some small, in person ones (safely), as well as by Zoom.  We want everyone to participate, even if you completed the survey. 

We will be reaching out to ask for help with some things.  For instance, you can offer to host a cottage meeting, provide snacks for the workshop, or provide some technical assistance (a big thanks to Wanda for all the help she has already provided.)

The team is excited, feels prepared for the size and complexity of the task, and impressed with the UUA’s resources and support.  Ann Marie assured us that there are many wonderful ministers out there ready for a new challenge and she felt our congregation will have strong appeal.  Your New Minister Search team is hopeful and energized and hope you are eager to get involved as we forge ahead!

Thank you for your confidence in our team, for your support, and, especially, thank you for YOUR commitment to and engagement in this process.

Meg Hoke