Settled Minister Search- Blog

December 15, ,2021

Meg Hoke – Communications

  Greetings, from the Settled Minister Search Committee 

We did it!

We have submitted the Congregational Record that includes everything any prospective minister might want to know about our congregation: our history, our financials, our leadership structure, and answers to over 60 questions about our congregation.
How we perceive our Fellowship, who we are, what we have done, and what we want to be in respect to our demographics, our programs, our buildings, our outreach, and our worship.
The Search Committee answered these questions to the best of our ability, based on the survey, the focus groups, the cottage meetings, and individual sessions with staff and committee chairs.  
All of the work you have heard about throughout the last six months has been related to the effort to complete this exhaustive document. And it is complete. We are working on making it available to members and friends so you can see what has been submitted on your behalf. Please look for that link in an upcoming email.  

So, what’s next ??

Throughout December, ministers looking for a church will be reviewing these Congregational Records and deciding if they want to apply for consideration. On January 2, the names of eligible ministers will be released. To be honest, we don’t really know what to anticipate.
We are told by UUA representatives that there is much that is appealing about our congregation.
 But it is also true that there’s not a huge abundance of UU ministers in the Southeast Region. 

It seems this is a time of waiting and hoping.
We know that there is no “perfect” minister. 
And we also know we don’t want to call someone who is just “good enough”.
We will just continue on and keep you informed of our progress. 

The Search Committee is proud of our work and proud of this Fellowship.  Thank you for your trust in us.   If you have questions, please contact your
Settled Minister Search Committe Team;
Bill Elder, Chair
Ron Partin, Survey developer
Meg Hoke, Communication
MC Gaylord, Finances
Mary Highberger, Cottage Meeting/Focus Group Coordinator

Once again, it is an honor for us to serve in this capacity
We continue to do our best, and are open to questions, concerns, and assistance.

Thank you for your confidence in our team, for your support, and, especially, thank you for YOUR commitment to and engagement in this process.