Settled Minister Search- Blog

January 7, ,2022

Meg Hoke – Communications

  Greetings, from the Settled Minister Search Committee 

This is a brief update. 
The Settled Minister Search Committee has now entered an exciting, but delicate stage of the process.
  We have received a small number of applicants so far, and have the opportunity to carefully and thoughtfully review, interview and make decisions about them.   
We will carefully follow the process and guidelines laid out by the UUA  We know you all are anxious to hear more details. 
Please know that we are honored to have your trust and have worked hard to earn it. 
We now ask for your trust, support, and grace, as we move forward.  
Here’s the process:
On January 2nd, minister applications were released to churches.  Ministers can continue to submit applications for the next few weeks. Search committees have the opportunity to review
each Ministerial Record, which includes almost as many questions as the Church Record!  
 If the Search Committee decides any are possible matches, we can set up Zoom interviews, asking the same questions of each candidate, and deciding whether we want to bring them to town
for “Pre-Candidating”.
Our choices are submitted by the end of January.  
 Right now, we are moving forward with interviewing, and are also hopeful that we may have one or two more candidates express interest. 
Again, we are bound by confidentiality at this stage.  We will provide more information as we are able. 

 Thank you again for all your trust and support. 
This is an important time in our Fellowship and we continue to be honored to serve. 

The Search Committee is proud of our work and proud of this Fellowship.  Thank you for your trust in us.   If you have questions, please contact your
Settled Minister Search Committe Team;
Bill Elder, Chair
Ron Partin, Survey developer
Meg Hoke, Communication
MC Gaylord, Finances
Mary Highberger, Cottage Meeting/Focus Group Coordinator

Once again, it is an honor for us to serve in this capacity
We continue to do our best, and are open to questions, concerns, and assistance.

Thank you for your confidence in our team, for your support, and, especially, thank you for YOUR commitment to and engagement in this process.