Social Justice News


We meet on the first TUESDAY of the month ( Nov 1st) 12:00 to 1:30pm. via ZOOM

All are welcome to attend; these meetings are your chance to provide input and contribute to our UUFH justice efforts.  Please e-mail Charlotte Corrigan for additional information – i.e., agenda, prior minutes, and Zoom link – if you would like to participate.

ARE updates and news can be sent to Charlotte Corrigan for inclusion in emails, eBlasts and Justice Worker News.


Contact Charlotte Corrigan to join the email list for UUFH JUSTICE WORKER NEWS (published weekly on Wednesday)

HIGHLIGHTS in this issue include:

  • DIVERSITY BOOKS PROJECT;  Outreach Collection
  • UU JUSTICE NC -Friday ACTION HOUR information/link & Action items
  • MORAL MONDAY Asheville Rally with Rev. William Barber (10/22), new details

UUFH OUTREACH COLLECTION:  Diversity Books Project

October 2 marked the launch of our first UUFH Outreach Collection for 2022-2023.

Social Justice Team member and Allies for Racial Equity leader, Judy Bonner, spoke about the DIVERSITY BOOKS PROJECT that she introduced at UUFH.  This initiative has expended beyond UUFH to raise money from the larger community and through grants.  Money raised provides books that feature the many cultures, distinct traditions and realities of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) to local public schools and organizations.

This project helps nurture the potential of children in Henderson County by providing literature that reflects and honors their lives and experiences (“I see me!”).  We believe that our community will be enhanced by helping children appreciate themselves and others.

The October 2 Collection Plate was dedicated to this Outreach Collection as will your designated donations through October 28. 

Note: All money donated to this project from Oct. 17 until the end of the month will be MATCHED by an anonymous donor. Be sure to specify “Diversity Books Outreach” on your check.   

Donations may also be made on the UUFH website “Outreach Fund” choice.  (During our Outreach Collection period, please do not use the online “Diversity Books Project” choice as this will complicate tracking of the proceeds.) 

UU Justice NC

Subscribe to UUJMNC to receive the monthly newsletter and action alerts at



from Rev. Lisa Garcia-Sampson, Executive Director UU Justice NC


Every Friday at 11:00am UUs from across the state gather to recap the past week and take action on the issues impacting our state and country. In the coming month, we’ll be focusing on the
upcoming municipal elections and will also keep the pressure on our elected officials to better
promote the HOPE program. We always have good music to help us feel the justice movement in our bones!  Join us via this Zoom link. 

SIGN-UP MAKES IT EASY:  to receive weekly updates automatically. Click Here to Sign Up! Receive an email with all the details prior to Friday’s Action Hour

UU Justice NC NEWS


Find key dates, voting locations, your precinct and such at this Henderson County website; HERE

For absentee Ballot information, HERE

From our friends and UU Justice NC Partners, YOU CAN VOTE, this is a convenient resource for voters:

You can get ready to vote by taking the following steps today:Make sure you’re registered! Confirm your registration on DMV identification is required to register to vote online for the first time.
Register or Update Your Registration
Update your registration if you’ve moved since the last time you’ve voted or need to update your party affiliation. 
 Learn about the candidates running in your community by visiting, where you can search by your location to find information about who’s running and what’s on your ballot. 
Learn About Local Candidates
 Request your absentee ballot today! Planning to vote by mail? Don’t wait, request your ballot now to ensure it arrives in time for the election.
Request an Absentee Ballot from NCSBE


It is time to activate the voting power of poor, low-wealth, and low-wage people in WNC.  

Graphical user interface, website

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  • 44% of North Carolinians are poor, low-wealth, and low-wage – a total of 4.6 million people
  • 47% of NC workers – 2 million people – make less than $15 and hour
  • 1 million people in NC have no health insurance
  • Almost 40% of eligible voters in NC are poor, low-wealth, and low-wage
  • Hundreds of thousands of registered poor, low-wealth, and low-wage voters did not turn out to vote in 2020

IF eligible poor, low-wealth, and low-wage voters in NC register and turn out to vote, they have the power to change the direction of our state and country

This fall DEMOCRACY, FREEDOM, and JUSTICE are on the ballot! SAVE THE DATE and plan to join with others in our regional community who are committed to advancing democracy and justice for all in NC! THE UUFH Social Justice Team hopes to organize CAR POOLING for local UUFH attendees.   Contact Charlotte Corrigan with your name and address to participate and aid organizing the needed pools.  We may need additional drivers so also indicate that you are willing to drive a group to this exciting event.


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The more that we work together, the greater impact we have.