Justice is what love looks like in public.
Our next SJT monthly meeting will be held online (Zoom) on Tuesday, February 11 at 6:30 pm.
The SOCIAL JUSTICE TEAM is a self-selecting group open to all UUFH Members and Friends. We welcome all active participants. Whether your social justice interests are one or many, you can contribute to our SJT efforts. Your inputs are welcome. Contact any team member AND join the team to help carry out your suggestions. Contact Charlotte Corrigan for the Agenda, minutes and meeting LINK and current schedule
GS2030 Green Sanctuary Renewal is included in our SJT meetings per the Fellowship’s approval of our UUFH Congregational Project for 2024-2025.

Join Social Justice Team (SJT)
We meet the second Tuesday of each month.
All are welcome to attend. These meetings are your chance to provide input and contribute to our UUFH Justice efforts. To participate, please e-mail Charlotte Corrigan for the agenda, minutes, and Zoom link.
If you’re not following the UUFH jUUstice WORKERS NEWS, you’re missing out on events and actions that support our UU values.
Contact Charlotte Corrigan to join the email list or click the link to the current edition: JW NEWS
If you’re not following the UUFH jUUstice WORKERS NEWS, you’re missing out on events and actions that support our UU values. Contact Charlotte Corrigan to join the email list or click on this link JW NEWS –
This week’s highlights: details are in the text!
- MLK Holiday Events: UNITY BREAKFAST & DAY OF SERVICE, January 20, 2025
- UU JUSTICE NC – News and Friday Action Hour, and more
- UUSJ upcoming WEBINARS: The Path Forward… Congresswoman (& UU) Judy Chu (Tuesday, January 27, 8 PM)
- Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America: Remembrance Ceremony: Saturday, January 25, at 3 pm
- Civil rights Trip planning – Selma & Montgomery (March 6-9)
- Library Exhibit: VOICES & VOTES – a Traveling SMITHSONIAN Exhibit: December 9 through January 25, Henderson County Main Library
Guest at Your Table – UU Service Committe To date, proceeds total $1324. All outstanding boxes / donations should now be turned in.
On Sunday, January 5, your UUFH Social Justice – Green Sanctuary Team begins our first Outreach Collection for 2025. All proceeds of the Collection will go to the SPRING STREET INITIATIVE, a community-driven initiative, begun by contractor Will Avery following Hurricane Helene.
The Spring Street Initiative (SSI) focuses on rebuilding homes and providing safe housing to displaced residents in our community. With 43 properties on the list for repairs. The Initiative is prioritizing safety and structural integrity. Funding is now needed for interior rebuilds like insulation, sheet rock, and flooring just as needed material costs have surged. SSI is committed to providing these repairs at no cost to the homeowners – people of color historically segregated into low lying, flood-prone “Green Meadows” land in Hendersonville.
The Spring Street Initiative’s goal is to provide full, turn-key renovations for these homes, allowing families to move back into newly rebuilt homes at no cost to them. This approach will enable homeowners to use their FEMA funds to replace lost possessions and begin rebuilding their lives without incurring additional debt. By covering the cost of materials and volunteer trades doing the labor, SSI ensures that families are not burdened by the financial strain of rebuilding.
To donate please visit https://uufhnc.org/ and click the donate button. Attendees may also designate donations made. during the offering at Sunday services through January.
The UUFH ENDOWMENT COMMITTEE has voted to match this collection $ for $ up to $3000. Let’s max out the match and then some! The local NAACP Chapter has also donated $3000.
If you missed the SSI slide show shown on January 5, you can view it at this link Green Meadows Slideshow or on the monitor during Sunday Coffee Hours through January 26. Plus, Tom now has updates showing at coffee hour highlighting progress on the 3 homes.
To volunteer your skills please sign up in the foyer – before and after services or in Fellowship Hall during coffee time. Painters will be needed soon.
Subscribe to receive the monthly newsletter & action alerts in your inbox at UUJusticeNC.org DONATE to UU Justice NC via this link: You Can Donate Here!
FRIDAY ACTION HOUR Every Friday at 11:00
Join UU Justice NC for our Weekly Friday Action Hour.
Every week, UU’s and justice partners across the state gather to recap the past week and take action on the issues impacting our state and country. And there is always great music to help us feel the justice movement in our bones!
Join via this Zoom. Link: NEW ZOOM LINK If you can’t make it on Fridays, just check out our Action Hour Link: Google Doc This link permits viewing, at your convenience, all the links & materials – including the Actions List – for the current and any previous sessions for 2024.
BONUS: Sign up for the Weekly Friday Action Hour community listserv Email Each email includes a promo of the week’s actions, the Zoom link, and the link to our Actions List (Google Doc) direct each week to your inbox. Click here to sign up! Review this week’s resources and actions on our Google Doc, and Join via this Zoom Link.
UUSJ: Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice: UPCOMING WEBINAR
Via Zoom, Hear from U.S. Congresswoman (and Unitarian Universalist) Judy Chu

The Path Forward To Meet The Moment
Let’s hear her insights on the path forward as we endeavor to “Meet the Moment” (GA 2025 theme).
This fundraiser event will support UUSJ’s work toward mission fulfillment, advancing equitable national policies and actions aligned with UU values through engagement, education, and advocacy as we seek a just, compassionate, and sustainable world community.
Monday, January 27, 8:00 p.m. ET (This ZOOM event is closed to the press)
Join UUSJ via Zoom to hear from Congresswoman Judy Chu, who will advise us in our fight for justice in the federal forum. See the current UUFH jUUstice Workers News for more information including REGISTRATION.
MLK Federal Holiday EVENTS – January 20, 2025
NOTE: The UUFH Social Justice Team has contributed to these 2 events as sponsors. Additional information may be found in the UUFH jUUstice Workers News.
MLK UNITY BREAKFAST January 20 (8:15 – serving, 9am presentation)
The MLK Unity Breakfast celebrates Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s vision by bringing the community together to reflect on his legacy and recognize those who embody his commitment to unity and service. This year’s Theme is Service and this year’s Speaker: is DeShannon Bynum Dixon. Rev. George Grimm-Howell will present the closing prayer.
TICKETS are available at UUFH: To attend this event, please write a check for $15 per person to UUFH and give it to Judy Bonner or Charlotte Corrigan. We have bought a block of tickets for us sit as a group.
Please join the Hendersonville community on Martin Luther King Day, January 20, at noon at St. James Episcopal Church (766 N Main St, Hendersonville, NC 28792). For this annual service project. We will once again bag a TON of dried beans and rice to share with our neighbors in need via the Storehouse. This is a fun, multigenerational event.
Traveling SMITHSONIAN EXHIBIT – Per League of Women VOTERS newsletter: Voices & Votes, Democracy In America
Be sure to put this fabulous exhibit on your calendar and invite your friends and family members of all ages to attend. Learn more about the exhibit here. |