Social Justice News: You Can Vote!, Postcard Kits available.

Justice is what love looks like in public.


NOTE our new 6:30PM meeting time:  

  • We hope this new time encourages participation by those in the workforce or with young children.   
  • We have a mix of on-site or  Zoom meetings planned.

Our next SJT monthly meeting will be September 3 at 6:30 PM via ZOOM

The SOCIAL JUSTICE TEAM is a self-selecting group open to all UUFH Members and Friends.  We welcome all active participants.  Whether your social justice interests are one or many, you can contribute to our SJT efforts.  Your inputs are welcome.  Contact any team member AND join the team to help carry out your suggestions.

Contact Charlotte Corrigan for the Agenda, minutes and meeting LINK and current schedule 

GS2030 (Green Sanctuary Renewal) is included in our meetings per the Fellowship’s approval of our UUFH Congregational Project for 2023-2024

Join Social Justice Team (SJT)

We meet the first Tuesday of each month from 6:30 -8pm.

All are welcome to attend. These meetings are your chance to provide input and contribute to our UUFH Justice efforts.  To participate, please e-mail Charlotte Corrigan for the agenda, minutes, and Zoom link.

Want more NEWS? 

If you’re not following the UUFH jUUstice WORKERS NEWS, you’re missing out on events and actions that support our UU values.
Contact Charlotte Corrigan to join the email list.

link to the current edition:  JW NEWS

This week’s highlights:

  • UU JUSTICE NC – News and Friday Action Hour, and more actions
  • UU the Vote:  
    • UUFH Democracy in Action Plan
    • You Can Vote: on-line training sessions 
    • Updates – Phone-banking / letter writing
  • UUSJ :  Voter Mobilization webinar , Keynote – Andrea Miller (September 10) 
  • Pisgah Legal Services:  JUSTICE FORUM (October 10 – live and live-stream)
  • Plus more:  PSS, Moms Demand Action,  Candidate information resources, ARE


Subscribe to receive the monthly newsletter & action alerts in your inbox at   DONATE to UU Justice NC via this link: You Can Donate Here! 


Every Friday at 11:00 UUs from across the state gather to recap the past week and take action on the issues impacting our state and country.  In the coming month, we’ll be focusing on the upcoming municipal elections and will also keep the pressure on our elected officials to better promote the HOPE program.  And we always have good music to help us feel the justice movement in our bones! 

Join via this Zoom Link:

If you can’t make it on Fridays, you can still take action at any time – just check out our UU Justice NC – Friday Action Hour 2024  to view the materials for the current and previous sessions


Sign up for the Weekly Friday Action Hour community listserv Email

Each email includes a promo of the week’s actions, the Zoom link, and the link to our Actions List (Google Doc) direct each week to your inbox.   Click here to sign up!

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UUFH has a strong history of involvement in the UU the Vote Campaigns in 2020 and 2022.  This requires many hands – not just those of the SJ Team. members.  

This requires many hands – not just those of the SJ Team members.  We have 2 new SJT volunteers, Richard Lottenberg and Elizabeth Ritchie, who are working with guidance from Kitten Bulen to spearhead UUFH efforts for 2024. 

As Rev. Lisa Garcia-Sampson, UU Justice NC,  reminded us:

“It is time to go deeper. For most of us, postcarding should only be the appetizer before the meal.  This year our moral legacy is on the line.  And if we can go further than postcarding, we have a moral responsibility to do so.” 


“UUFH Democracy in Action” 

Current UUFH Democracy in ACTION items: 

[1]  FRIDAY ACTION HOUR  – weekly at 11AM 

with Rev. Lisa Garcia-Sampson, UU Justice NC

Join Action Hour via this Zoom. Link: NEW ZOOM LINK 

And if you can’t make it on Fridays, just check out our Action Hour Link:  Google Doc

This link permits viewing, at your convenience, the links & materials f

or the current and any previous 2024 sessions.


Sign up for the Weekly Friday Action Hour community listserv Email

Each email includes a promo of the week’s actions, the Zoom link, and the link to our Actions List (Google Doc) direct each week to your inbox.   

Click here to sign up!


See YCV website  for additional sessions as they are scheduled.  

Training sessions online are scheduled for multiple dates.

Virtual Voter Empowerment Training

YCV’s 2024 Voter Empowerment Training is an hour-long virtual webinar designed to mobilize volunteers with how to educate and empower the community for upcoming elections. This comprehensive training educates participants in You Can Vote’s work and key messages, a thorough understanding of how to properly fill out a voter registration form, best practices and the voter ID rules for this year! This training is for those looking to learn more about You Can Vote, updated voting rules, best practices in voter registration, and those interested in volunteering with YCV!

Sign Up Now

Virtual Voter Empowerment Training – – – August 27 — 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM  Sign Up Now

Virtual Voter Empowerment Training – – – September 7 — 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM  Sign Up Now

NOTE:  the YCV website also includes materials on  why voting matters:

Lawmakers and local elected officials make decisions about education, climate and the environment, the economy, public safety, civil rights, reproductive rights, public health, housing, and more. 

To learn how local, state, and federal officials impact the issues you care about click here to download a printable versions.  Your county commissioner or school board member may impact your daily life more immediately than elected Federal officials.

[3]. Write letters with Vote Forward to encourage voters to register and vote. 

Writing personalized, handwritten letters to voters is a proven and effective way to help increase voter turnout and strengthen our democracy.   You can write letters right now from your home. Letter writing is a great way to turn anxiety into action!  You can access this action by going to


Coming this SUNDAY: August 25

Your first chance to SIGN UP AND RECEIVE postcard kits is at Coffee Hour on Sunday, August 25 at UUFH. 

Kits of 30 cards will also be available Sundays into September.

We have signed up with UU Justice NC to do 3000 postcards for Reclaim Our Vote:

UUJNC has now sent us materials such as voter name & address list text and “EARLY VOTING” information label text.  We have purchased the needed postcards, postcard postage stamps, Avery labels and colored pens and assembled them into 100 Kits of 30 cards each for distribution to you. 

NOTE:  We are also planning a POSTCARD PARTY for generating cards in a group setting for even more fun (date TBD).


Our assigned names are  all in Carrabus County.   We are also planning a POSTCARD PARTY for generating cards in a group setting for even more fun.

POSTCARD mailing period:  OCTOBER 1 through October 15.  

This is timed to target the early voting period October 17 – November 2.  Mailing early or late is a NO-NO!

Upcoming Event with UUSJ

Andrea Miller, Sept. 10
Voter Mobilization Keynote with Andrea MillerTuesday, September 10
7:30pm ET – 6:30pm CT – 5:30pm MT – 4:30pm PT
RSVP; Online
Andrea Miller is the Founding Board Member of the Center for Common Ground (CCG) and an inspirational, unwavering fighter for racial justice and voting rights. Reclaim our Vote, popular among UUs, is a CCG project.Andrea will discuss plans during 2024 for getting out the vote (GOTV) in key states, both on the ground and remotely. We will learn more about postcarding, texting, phone banking, and other opportunities with CCG to support UU voter engagement efforts.Most of all, we will leave with a sense of commitment and enthusiasm for the work ahead of us.