Social Justice Outreach News

All members & friends are welcome to join the efforts of the Social Justice Outreach Team 

SJOT will not meet in December, our next meeting is on Wednesday, January 6, 2021 at 1:00 PM. Contact Charlotte Corrigan for access link to participate or observe

HELP WANTED:  Dream Scholarship Committee volunteer 

Barbara Yates needs someone to help occasionally with administrative work for the Dream Scholarship Committee.  If you would like to help out or want more information, contact Barbara.


The Youth Hunger Collection is split between two local organizations addressing food insecurity:  Feed the Kids Coalition and the Flat Rock Backpack Program.  The collection will remain open through December 20.

Your donations will help local youngsters who live with food insecurity in their homes.  In this time of year when we celebrate our bountiful harvests and many blessings of abundance, food insecurity remains a significant issue for many in our community.  In these trying times of Covid-19, your donation is needed all the more. Many in our community are impacted severely by economic disruptions to their jobs and incomes; children should not suffer as a result of these hardships.

UUFH members volunteer regularly for these two organizations by providing a nutritious meal or filling a backpack with a weekend’s worth of non-perishable foods.  UUFH has raised funds in support of these two organizations from their inception.

  • Feed the Kids (FTK) provides a nutritious Friday afternoon meal to children enrolled in the Hendersonville Boys & Girls Club.    FTK has responded to the pandemic with changes from served meals to take home meals of sandwiches and nutritious snacks.
  • Backpack serves selected children at Atkinson and Upward Elementary schools, Flat Rock Middle School, Immaculata, and selected day care sites.  Thousands of backpacks of food are provided annually.  Backpacks are assembled on Friday mornings and delivered to the schools by volunteers based at St. John in the Wilderness Church. 

Please give generously: 

Make your check out to UUFH, note “Youth Hunger” in the memo line, and mail to UUFH.  You can also donate directly via your account on the UUFH website; select the Outreach Collection option.  The collection will remain open through December 20.

Outreach Collection; Creation Care Alliance of WNC

Our recent Outreach Collection for Creation Care Alliance of WNC netted $629.00; $52.90 went into the SJOT Fund (10% holdback) and $566.10 has been delivered to CCA by CCA member, Jan Partin.  You can check out the work of the Creation Care Alliance at their website,

COAT DRIVE for migrant laborers – Heartwood Refuge

Heartwood is collecting coats for migrant laborers in our community now through December 4.  

Recipients are mostly Latino males.  Jackets and coats are especially needed in larger boy/teen sizes – the refuge already has many coats in larger adult sizes.  These men start working in the early morning hours so they need warm clothing. 

Drop off coats – in plastic bags – on the Heartwood porch, 159 Osceola Road, Hendersonville.  Cash donations will be used to find and purchase suitable coats at local resale/thrift shops.  Checks may be sent to the address above, please identify them as “coat drive” in the memo line. 


The remaining workshop sessions will be held on Monday, 11/23 &30.

You can still register with Judy Bonner ( to reserve your space. We will send you a reminder and the Zoom link before each session.

Virtual Racial Justice Workshop

November 30 from 6:30PM to 8:00PM.

The workshop will be presented by Rev. Michael Carter and Rev. Judith Long.

Rev Michael Carter
Rev Judith Long

Rev Carter is an anti-racism trainer and diversity consultant, receiving recognition from President Clinton for his anti-racism work.  He serves as the minister to the UU Congregation of the Swananoa Valley.

Rev. Long is the Executive Director of The Free Clinics of Henderson County.  She is also an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister, earning her Master of Divinity from Harvard University Divinity School.  Rev. Long serves as Community Minister at UUFH.

Session 1.  The difference between “diversity training” and anti-racism efforts for institutions. (Nov 9)

Session 2.  White privilege and white fragility (Nov 23)

Session 3.  How to become an ally in the struggle for racial justice (Nov 30)

Each session will include a discussion in smaller break-out groups.