All members & friends are welcome to join the efforts of the Social Justice Outreach Team
The next Social Justice Outreach Team meeting is Wednesday, March 3 at 1:00 PM.
All are welcome to attend, Contact; Charlotte Corrigan for access link to participate
Dream Scholarship Outreach Collection
Our Dream Scholarship Outreach Collection for 2021 began on February 21. Barbara Yates, Dream Scholarship Fund representative for UUFH, spoke about this effort during the kickoff Sunday service. The Dream Scholarship Fund supports the college dreams of DACA students with a maximum scholarship of $2500/year towards tuition and fees.
This our 3rd Outreach Collection of the year; the Dream Scholarship program was founded here in 2011-2012 and is very dear to many at UUFH.
You can donate one of two ways:
— through the UUFH website donation link (“Outreach Fund”)
— by mailed check (UUFH, 409 E Patterson St, Hendersonville, NC 28739). Please designate “Outreach Collection” or “Dream Scholarship” in the memo line of your check so your donation can be credited correctly.
This Collection is open through March 19. Your generosity will be greatly appreciated by SJOT, UUFH and most of all by the Scholarship recipients.
Dream Scholarships mean more to our scholars now than ever before as they face additional financial hardships and disruptions due to COVID-19.
Here are quotes from current recipients:
“I am beyond grateful for the support of the Dream Scholarship … I have been able to add a minor and explore career internships that otherwise would have been unavailable.”
A student currently studying nursing says “I cannot wait to graduate with my nursing license and serve the great people of this beautiful community … I know I speak not only for myself but for everyone who benefits from this scholarship when I say Thank You.”
UU Justice Ministry NC Action Hour Friday’s @ noon
Join UUs from all across North Carolina every Friday at 11:00am for UUJMNC Forward Together’s Friday Action Hour on Zoom
And if you can’t make it, visit the Action Hour Google Doc to see what actions you can take this week to move in alignment with our state and national justice partners. Actions vary from week to week but may include online petitions, texts, phone calls and letters to advocate for justice.