SJOT Update:
All members and friends are welcome to join the efforts of the Social Justice Outreach Team. We currently meet via Zoom on the first Wednesday of each month at 1:00 pm. Contact Charlotte Corrigan for access link to participate or observe.
Youth Migrant Workers Fun Day
The second and last fun day of the season will be August 30th at Heartwood. We need a few volunteers to help serve breakfast and distribute lunches. Servers will wear masks and social distance and the migrant youth will be required to wear masks when around the servers.
Additional funding is needed to cover costs; contact Anne Backer to volunteer and/or contribute. A huge thank you to new volunteers or contributors and those who have already contributed!
NC Voters
In just two weeks, North Carolina will begin mailing Absentee Ballots only to those who have requested them. In NC, any registered voter may choose to vote absentee. Even if you request an Absentee Ballot, you can also vote in person should you later decide to do so and have not returned your mail in ballot.
Postal officials have recommended that ballot request forms – the first step to getting an actual ballot, which also has to be returned – come in at least 15 days before the Nov. 3 election. However, the last day NC voters can request a ballot by law is 7 days before the election. To count, ballots must then be filled out and postmarked by Election Day and received at the county elections office within 3 days of the election. Such mismatches between the law and postal service recommendations could leave some votes uncounted.
Registered voters who have not yet requested an Absentee Ballot will find the official request form on the NC or County Board of Elections websites – it’s simple to complete the form and mail or deliver directly to your local Board of Elections. An electronic portal for applications is supposed to be in place next month.
You can also deliver your completed Absentee Ballot yourself to the local Board of Elections office prior to Election Day or return it to any Henderson County Early Voting site during the early voting “One Stop” period (weekdays and Saturdays, October 15 through 31).