SJOT Update:
All members and friends are welcome to join the efforts of the Social Justice Outreach Team. We currently meet via Zoom on the first Wednesday of each month at 1:00 pm. Contact Charlotte Corrigan for access link to participate or observe.
Climate Justice Congregational Project
Climate Justice CP is still here, pandemic or not, and is on the calendar for September Sunday services twice…
CCAWNC works to promote the protection of our beautiful mountains by bringing practical and hopeful solutions to congregations in Western North Carolina, and by engaging hearts and minds through education, service and advocacy. With limited resources but lots of passion, CCAWNC has been able to accomplish some amazing things in the past two and a half years: a climate and faith forum, two clergy breakfasts, public educational events, and multiple advocacy initiatives, just to name a few. You can learn more about CCAWNC at their website (
UUFH entered a covenant partnership with the Creation Care Alliance of WNC several years ago. As a covenant partner, we committed to be faithful stewards of creation and agreed to benefit from the resources and network of the Creation Care Alliance.
Last year, Hendersonville formed a local group that has been active in promoting climate related education programs and projects. UUFH activities with CCA are part of our Climate Justice Congregational Project plan. The SJOT team has participated in and promoted these activities and projects and even has a program ready to host at UUFH. All projects have been put on hold for the time being until it is deemed safe to congregate in larger groups.
Creation Care Alliance needs our financial support even while most events are on hold. Our Outreach Collection date is September 20. In these times of Covid-19, we won’t literally pass the collection plate, but you can donate one of two ways: (1) by mailing your check to UUFH specifying “CCAWNC Collection” in the memo line or (2) virtually via the UUFH website selecting “Outreach Fund”.
Thank you.
Climate Justice CP – Voter Outreach update
Our CJ plan recognized voter outreach as an immediate threshold issue – we seek to elect representatives at the local, state and national level who espouse UU values and empower marginalized voters.
The Voter Outreach postcard team under Kitten Bulen has completed 3000 postcards to potential NC voters targeted by Reclaim Our Vote through the UU Justice Ministry of North Carolina (UUJMNC) and UUtheVote. Fellowship members interested in phone and text banking efforts should contact Kitten for additional information. Kitten is also seeking yard sign locations for You can Vote outreach.Climate Justice CP – Voter Outreach update.
Election season is here.
Mailing of Absentee Ballots to those who have already applied starts September 4. You can choose to do early voting or Election Day voting even if you have requested but not submitted an Absentee Ballot.
Student voters should make a plan to choose where and how they will vote. Student voting is made more problematic this year by Covid-19 disruptions to campus life. The You Can Vote organization has a helpful guide ( to the various options – vote from your home address or campus address, vote in person or absentee and so on. Plan now to avoid being disenfranchised on Election Day.
Other key election dates:
Oct. 9: “Regular” Voter registration deadline
Oct. 15 “One-stop” early voting begins
Your absentee ballot may be delivered by yourself or a ‘near’ relative at any of your county early-one-stop voting places.
During early voting, you can do same day registration and voting.
Oct. 27: Absentee voting request form deadline
Oct. 31: “One-stop” EARLY voting ENDS at 3 pm.
The Henderson County Board of Elections has posted sample ballots for the upcoming election on their website ( The website is not particularly easy to navigate but if you check “supporting documents” you’ll probably find what you are seeking – links to online “lookup”, absentee ballot requests, early voting hours and sites, your precinct location, etc.
Western NC Regional UU the Vote Film Night
Thursday, September 10, 7pm
Join the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville Justice Ministry for a virtual film screening of Brave New Films production “Suppressed 2020: the Fight to Vote”. This brief film documents the story of widespread voter suppression during the 2018 midterm election in Georgia when Stacey Abrams ran to become the first black female governor in the U.S. Following the film, Edward Peters, WNC regional organizer for Democracy NC, will lead a Q&A and discussion about strategies for overcoming voter suppression and volunteering during the current election season. Follow this link to register for the online event and receive an email reminder with zoom link. Please contact Amy Moore with questions about this event.
Boys & Girls Club – Project Learn
The Henderson County Boys & Girls Club has recognized that many children in the county don’t have access to the internet, and therefore can’t “go to school”. In response to this great need, they have initiated “Project Learn”. The Club is open from 7:30AM to 5:00PM. Morning hours (8AM to 12PM) are devoted to completing online school classes. All kids are welcome to bring their Chrome Books (provided by Board of Education) and utilize the Club’s internet, desks, and supplies. The Club has hired and trained tutors to provide academic support for all grades and they are providing a breakfast and lunch – along with their usual programs that focus on social emotional learning, health and fitness.
This Project also enables their families to go to work with peace of mind; the program is currently serving nearly 200 kids. But all of this means additional costs to the Club that were not budgeted; expenses are currently $3,500 per week for the doubled hours of operation, the additional staff, materials, food, and rigorous cleaning. They truly need the community’s help to keep this going until schools are safely able to reopen.
If you are able to help, please send a check to Boys & Girls Club of Henderson County with “for Project Learn” on the memo line. The address is 1304 Ashe St., Hendersonville, NC. 28792.