Social Justice Outreach News

SJOT Update:

All members and friends are welcome to join the efforts of the Social Justice Outreach Team.  We currently meet via Zoom on the first Wednesday of each month at 1:00 pm.  Contact Charlotte Corrigan for access link to participate or observe.

Track your Absentee Ballot and fix technical problems

Have you heard? The North Carolina Board of Elections has implemented a tracking system so you can see the status of your absentee ballot.  You can easily create an account at their website:

State procedures require elections officials to reach out to you quickly if there’s a problem with your absentee ballot and to give you a chance to fix it. When you create your ballot tracking account online, you select whether you want telephone, text or email notification.

A variety of items on a tabletop

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The Richmond Pledge to End Racism

A close up of a sign

Description automatically generatedSign It! – Richmond Pledge to End RacismBy signing this Pledge, you are committing to work every day to end racism in the Greater Richmond area. Sign this Pledge only if you are ready to do so, as it will require perseverance if it is to make a difference.

Print it, sign it, live it!