Social Justice Outreach News

All members & friends are welcome to join the efforts of the Social Justice Outreach Team 

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Hendersonville invites you to attend the workshop GIVE LIGHT: SPIRITUAL SUPPORT for CLIMATE ACTIVISM with Rev. Fred Small Saturday, April 9th — 10:00 AM – 12:45 PM — UUFH Sanctuary

In Rev. Small’s words, “As we come to understand the gravity of climate disruption, it’s easy to become disheartened. How to maintain equanimity and compassion for ourselves and others while sustaining effective activism?” In this interactive workshop welcoming all faith traditions and spiritual orientations, Rev. Small will invite us “into guided meditation, reflection, conversation, and song, fortifying our spirits and deepening our resolve in the struggle for climate justice.” His workshop is “not about climate science, adaptation or mitigation measures, or political strategies, … it’s about how to engage the climate crisis while sustaining our spirits.”

Known worldwide as a religious climate activist, Rev. Small has been an environmental lawyer, a UU Minister of Music, and is now a UUA Minister for Climate Justice at Arlington St. Church in Boston and Policy Director at Interfaith Power & Light. He has gone to jail for, written songs about, and preached to many of the need for environmental action. His workshops and services have been called inspirational and transformative. They are intended to fortify our spirits and deepen our resolve. For further information, see his website:

REGISTRATION:   Contact Charlotte Corrigan Space is Limited – Reserve Soon 10:00 AM Check In — Break at 11:45 AM – Drinks and Snacks provided

CDC Covid Guidelines to be followed


We meet on the first TUESDAY of the month 1:00 to 2:30pm. via ZOOM

Our next meeting is TUES, April 5, 2022

All are welcome to attend; these meetings are your chance to provide input and contribute to our UUFH justice efforts.  Contact Charlotte Corrigan for more information – i.e., agenda, prior minutes, Zoom link – if you would like to participate.

ARE updates and news can be sent to Charlotte Corrigan for inclusion in emails, eBlasts and Justice Worker News.

Want more JUSTICE NEWS? UUFH JUSTICE WORKER NEWS Contact Charlotte Corrigan to join the email list.


Agudus Israel: lunch and gift bagging

On Saturday, March 26, volunteers gathered at Agudas Israel Synagogue to meet over a brown bag lunch and pack the collected items. We bagged just over one hundred complete gift bags and another 100 or so with 1-3 missing items. Donated money will now be used to fill the gaps with missing items, such as ball caps, bandanas, etc.  

Muchas gracias!

Any monetary donations can be mailed to; True Ridge, 110 Edney Street, Suite A Hendersonville, NC 28792 Note:  you must designate “For Migrant Workers” on the memo line of the check.

UU Justice NC

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from Rev. Lisa Garcia-Sampson, Executive Director UU Justice NC


Every Friday at 11:00am UUs from across the state gather to recap the past week and take action on the issues impacting our state and country. In the coming month, we’ll Be Keeping the pressure on our elected officials to better promote the HOPE program. We always have good music to help us feel the justice movement in our bones!  Join us via this Zoom link.  If you can’t make it on Fridays, you can still take action at any time – just check our Weekly action list. 

SIGN-UP MAKES IT EASY: to receive weekly updates automatically. Click Here to Sign Up!

MORE Opportunities for Action

Per UPDATES from Rev. Lisa Garcia-Sampson, Executive Director, UU Justice NC:

Speak up for Trans Lives Spokesperson Training

Thursday, March 31 from 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM ET

Hosted by Side With Love in partnership with The Trevor Project – One of the most impactful ways for allies to combat the wave of anti-trans legislation sweeping the country is to show up in public to articulate our values, unequivocally affirming that trans and nonbinary people are beautiful, sacred, and loved. 

*Please note that, while people of all genders are welcome, this is intended primarily as a training for cisgender folks aspiring to act as allies.

Register Here


Our hearts are heavy as we continue to witness the Russian invasion of Ukraine. UU Justice NC wanted to share two statements from our UU leadership about this unfolding situation:

“We Demand An End to the Bloodshed”  UU Service Committee Responds to Vladimir Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine – Putin’s aggression will certainly lead to human rights violations. Rev. Mary Katherine Morn, UUSC President and CEO.  

(At the bottom of the statement are links to various ways to help the people of Ukraine.)


A new postcard campaign to encourage and empower voter registration in Union County, NC (southeast of Charlotte) is nearing completion– in cooperation between UU Justice NC partners and participating NC UU congregations.   AT UUFH, all 40 kits (1000 postcards) were received and matched with volunteers. 

Great work by all 27 Justice Worker volunteers!  


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National UU the Vote 2022 Launch Event – Sunday, April 10 at 4:00 PM ET. 

Join President Susan Frederick-Gray, UU leaders, and partners to learn how you can show up for our UU values and communities in the critical midterm elections. Together, we can address the current threats to our democracy and human dignity. Register Here.

Elections have consequences.


The US Supreme Court on March 7 let stand the NC Supreme Court ruling on Congressional Districts. For the 2022 election, WNC counties are in NC Congressional District #11.


April 22 ~ Voter registration deadline for Primary

April 28 ~ One-stop early voting begins for Primary (includes same day voter registration and early voting)

May 14 ~ One-stop early voting ends for Primary 

May 17 ~ Primary election (NO same day registration and voting!), a non-partisan voter empowerment and education group and a UU Justice NC partner has an in-depth voter guide, You Can Vote, that contains important information, such as key dates, polling locations, and more, PLUS direct links to official forms.

The website,, the informational Voter Guide provided by the League of Women Voters, has non-partisan information on national, state, and local candidates, as well as aids to See What’s On Your Ballot, Check Your Voter Registration, Find Your Polling Place, Discover Upcoming Debates In Your Area, and more.

Information regarding registration to vote, absentee ballots, early voting, precinct/district locations, polling places, is also found at the websites of the NC State BOE and your county Board of Elections. Printable Forms are also available on these sites.


In the remaining months for this Project, we’ll add a new emphasis on the 8th principle and climate justice through webinars and workshops, recognizing that Racial Justice and Climate Justice are inseparably linked.

The proposed 8th Principle states:  

“We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.”  

Events specific to the 8th Principle are coming soon — SAVE these dates


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“UU Justice NC is teaming up with DRUUMM to offer a virtual event for North Carolina UUs interested in learning more about the 8th Principle. We’ll have the incredible opportunity to hear directly from the co-author of the 8th Principle, Paula Cole Jones. We’ll also learn more about the process of adopting the 8th Principle from two lay-leader panelists who have led this work in their own congregations.” 

Register Here! Today.


Helen Bishop will speak on the 8th Principle at this important service. In addition, a DISCUSSION SESSION, your opportunity to speak or ask questions, follows the service.

RESOURCES for the 8th Principle of Unitarian Universalism

Visit this UUA site:  8thprinciplorg
The section is organized by responses to these key questions:  What is the origin? — Why now? — Why single out racism? — What is beloved community? — What does it mean to be accountable?

The Fall 2021 UU World contains several articles of interest, including Our Faith Calls Us to Antiracist Work – by Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, our UUA President

2021 Statement of Conscience “Undoing white Supremacy: A Call to Prophetic Action” – adopted at the 2021 General Assembly: 

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Don’t miss our workshop from Rev. Fred Small, “GIVE LIGHT:  SPIRITUAL SUPPORT for CLIMATE ACTIVISM”, on April 9, 10:00 am-12:45 pm

“As we come to understand the gravity of climate disruption, it’s easy to become disheartened. How to maintain equanimity and compassion for ourselves and others while sustaining effective activism? In this interactive workshop, welcoming all faith traditions and spiritual orientations, Rev. Fred Small will invite us into guided meditation, reflection, conversation, and song, fortifying our spirits and deepening our resolve in the struggle for climate justice.” 

Contact Charlotte Corrigan to register for the workshop. Spaces are limited so you’ll want to sign up right away. We are allocating some spaces to attendees from the community and to other UU congregations in NC.

Rev. Small will also lead our service on April 10.
For more information about Rev. Small, see his website: 

Single-use plastics clog up Western North Carolina’s rivers and streams and break down into smaller and smaller pieces called microplastics.
A river with rocks and trees

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Once in waterways, these microplastics are consumed by aquatic life forms, which are then ingested by the larger organisms that eat them, including humans. The bioaccumulation of these plastics and the additives used to make them can be toxic to both wildlife and people—not to mention the fact that single-use plastics contribute significantly to our reliance on fossil fuels and therefore climate crisis.
Acting on plastic pollution is a clear way to care for creation, and together we know that we can make a difference. Check out the new Plastic Free WNC website to learn more about how you and your community can be a part of advocating to put a stop to single-use plastic, and take action below.

The more that we work together, the greater impact we have.