“The Ideas Peddler 3.0”
This will be Don’s last service with us. We’ll review our time together.
The Rev. Don Rollins is UUFH’s Interim Minister.
This will be Don’s last service with us. We’ll review our time together.
We will celebrate our religious education, and share in a hybrid version of the Flower Communion.
In order to maintain everyone’s safety in the event of an emergency, we will facilitate a drill for exiting the building.
The history of UUFH
Some thoughts on the price we all pay for the human experience of substance misuse
Let’s have another look at what we can and can’t know about Jesus
Healthy Congregations Team; information about its purpose.
We’ll hear about the challenges and opportunities for making bridges between area faith communities and law enforcement.
Come hear how you can support UUFH’s first year with a new minister.
We will consider the history, structures and soul of our greater Association.