Meet Your Settled Minister!
Even though the search for UUFH’s new settled minister is several months away, it’s not too early to start thinking about what qualities and strengths we seek in that person…and the work we need to do from our end.
The Rev. Don Rollins is UUFH’s Interim Minister.
Even though the search for UUFH’s new settled minister is several months away, it’s not too early to start thinking about what qualities and strengths we seek in that person…and the work we need to do from our end.
The Social Justice Team and Don will lead us in a look at a new social justice model for UUFH, and the four broad issues for your consideration. We’ll follow the service with a Q&A session at noon.
Together for Peace and Justice by Xavier de … read more.
Written by the late UU minister, Alec Craig, Don will share an adapted chronology of life through the eyes of gratitude.
Also known as “Hymn Sunday,” Katherine and Don will lead us in singing selected hymns (Katherine) and songs (Don), as well as snippets of hymns folks may suggest. We’ll hear the history of some of the selections, and share a meditation with music as a … read more.
A young member of a church Don once served asked what it’s like to lose someone you love. (She’d thus far been spared that sorrow, but wanted to know how to prepare.) As we mark the end of el Día de los Muertos (the Day … read more.
You don’t have to be a theist or baseball fan to appreciate the magic of con-nection—with self, others and the natural world. As the World Series draws near, Don will invite us to find our own metaphors for life’s magic.
We gather … read more.
Most everybody is putting off a thing or two…or twenty. It’s what we do, but sometimes there’s a cost. Don will suggest a mantra to help stay focused on the important stuff.
We gather for worship and fellowship each Sunday with a … read more.
Don will lead us in a look at the spiritual and practical sides of interim ministry. (A Q/A session on interim ministry will follow at noon, in the sanctuary. All are invited.)
We gather for worship and fellowship each Sunday with … read more.
Come join in a multi-generational Ingathering, including the Water Communion. (Some folks may have gathered water from their travels, but water from the fellowship will be on hand to pour into a common bowl.)
We gather for worship … read more.
This is our new Interim Minister’s first service at UUFH. His reflection is inspired by the lives of 1960s working class, rank-and-file people.
We gather for worship and fellowship each Sunday with a service at 10:30 followed by coffee hour. Dress … read more.