Growing Together in the Season of Giving

Spring is in the air, and UUFH is growing! We’re excited about this year’s season of giving, and the joyful direction in which our congregation is moving. Our theme for this year’s campaign is Growing Together—because that’s exactly what we’re doing.

Our sense of abundance and new energy are attracting new people, who are hungry for our love-centered spiritual message. And our interconnections in the community are growing, which supports life-giving justice work.

Will you make a pledge that will help sustain all that is good and growing at UUFH?

Growing in Spirit, in Service, and in Numbers.

You’re such an important part of who we are and who we are becoming. Your gift will help us sustain the following:

  • A full-time minister, who supports our spiritual growth and pastoral care, inspiring us to acts of love and service
  • A growing Family Ministry program that’s building a beloved multigenerational community
  • Expanding outreach to vulnerable communities who are hurting right now more than ever
  • Growing opportunities for belonging, with a growth in membership, new teams being born, and new social connections being formed
  • A vibrant music ministry that is lifting our spirits in worship and is growing in diversity
  • A blossoming of who we are as a congregation, with new ways of expressing our identity and sense of purpose

Please look for opportunities to join a small group meeting during the month of March and make your pledge by March 30.

Make a pledge online here.

Thank you so much for being the sunshine we need to keep growing and thriving. As we hold each other and our community during precarious times, may our strong roots hold us up, and may our new outward growth bless our community.

In a spirit of hope and abundance,
Jan Partin, President, Board of Directors
Rev. George Grimm-Howell, Minister

How to Fulfill Your Pledge

There are several ways that you can fulfill your pledge.

On a Sunday, you can put a check in the plate. Please write “Pledge” in the memo line. If you’re giving cash, please put it in an envelope with your name and write “Pledge.” That way, your money gets allocated correctly.

There are several other ways to fulfill your pledge. On our website, at the top right, there’s a button that says “Donate.” You can click there and follow that process.

For online giving, you can also do an ACH, which is a direct withdrawal from your bank. In that instance, I will need your routing number and your account number.

There are also methods of giving from retirement funds. It’s best to speak with your financial advisor or broker about that.

A note on our Outreach collections: These benefit other nonprofits that we support. When you give a contribution to Outreach, that’s reflected on your statement. However, that does not apply to your pledge—that’s a separate thing.

If you ever need to adjust your pledge, you’re more than welcome to do that.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call or email, and I’ll be happy to help you.
