Sixty guests shared good food, fellowship and a bit of hard work within the UUFH family to make our 2019 Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner a memorable event.
Many hands made this meal possible; special thanks go to the following:
• for the UUA – Ethical Eating Challenge which inspires us all to think intentionally about the sources and production methods for the ingredients on our tables year-round.
• to Reba F. who managed our beverages and snacks table – with the help of granddaughters, Madison and Autumn.
• to Judith H. who provided the Ikebana for our tables despite her recent illness – a special BRAVO and wishes for good health!
• to all who contributed to a bountiful feast of dishes for omnivores, vegetarians, and vegans and remembered to bring their own place settings.
• to Ed L. who stepped up to purchase, grill and carve 3 whole turkeys plus a breast from the Fresh Market.
• to our table monitors Linda Mc., Carole R., Josefa M., and Pat C. — who helped correctly place your dishes and tend to the tables (and keep you all out of the Kitchen!)
• To Kate P. & Bill M. who crafted our informational food signs.
• to those who helped us with set up or clean up or both: P. & C. Crook, Kate P. & Bill M., Ed & Peggy L., JoAnn M., Josefa & Sal M., Linda Mc. & Monty C., and Judith H.
• to Harry C. who manned the wine table and coffee service and did whatever else was needed when asked.
• To Peggy L. for her thoughtful words of grace preceding our meal.
We welcome your feedback on how to make this potluck better next year –- small changes or large, we want your ideas via email. We made a quite a few this year based on your prior feedback.
Join the crew that pulls this off next year: Sign up for volunteers begins in late October 2020.
Thank you all,
Liz Snively & Charlotte Corrigan