The Work of the Governance Task Force

The members of the Governance Task Force are recommending that UUFH would be best-served by developing and using policy-based governance. This is an adaptation of policy governance, so that the policies needed by paid staff and volunteers will have been reviewed and approved by the Board before they are implemented. If members of the Fellowship want to continue with full-time professional ministry, this form of governance, along with a focus on shared and collaborative leadership, will serve us best. The policies being considered reflect best practices in our faith community, and may require modifications in our Bylaws. The timeline we have developed means that we will present Bylaws changes for approval by the Fellowship at the annual meeting in 2021.

The GTF is well on its way to the development of policies related to the authority of the minister as Head of Staff. We must be certain that policies needed to support the minister’s Letter of Agreement are in the Fellowship’s policy manual. As Head of Staff, the minister will review other staff contracts to be sure the policies required are in place. The GTF will also make recommendations about committees and task groups needed by the Board. The work of other groups is less formal, so the GTF will leave affinity groups to look at their own functions. The GTF will also participate with the recently-revived Committee on Committees, under the leadership of the Board Vice-President. This group meets quarterly.

The GTF is planning an opportunity for dialogue, questions and comments on April 26*, following the Sunday morning service. Please contact any member of the GTF if you have suggestions for this work.

Joe Criscione, Chair; Dr. Helen Bishop; Rev. Judith Long; Jan Partin; Rev. Donald L. Rollins, ex-officio

*If we are still practicing Social Distancing, please stay tuned for a possible virtual meeting.