“A Holy Alchemy”
The transforming power of love shows us how to become the resistance without losing our sacred humanity.
The transforming power of love shows us how to become the resistance without losing our sacred humanity.
Water is life, and waters that flow together represent our common life
Explore what it means to make use of our gifts in a complex world.
Snippets of columns as well as stories of interactions with readers, reveals the impact of his writing and teaching across the landscape of beliefs.
Exploring the wisdom of trees whose root systems have different lessons to share about creating a more just and compassionate way of being together.
Words and action and love and forgiveness go hand in hand in this journey we’re on together!
“What we call a beginning is often the end/and to make an end is to make a beginning.”
04-07-2024 Stories bind us together and inform how we move forward. The only problem is that stories aren’t real.
What practices nourish you? Are you intentional about them? Let’s explore what feeds us and gives fuel for the journey.
02-04-2024 The Wheel of the Year offers us guidance year round, not only for growing crops but also growing ourselves.