Topic: Connection

Helping Those Left Behind

What happens to families of those who are deported? Often, the breadwinner is the family member who is detained or deported. This leaves a spouse and children to fend for themselves. The purpose of the grant-funded program Helping Those Left Behind is to provide assistance … read more.

Why God is a Baseball Fan

You don’t have to be a theist or baseball fan to appreciate the magic of con-nection—with self, others and the natural world. As the World Series draws near, Don will invite us to find our own metaphors for life’s magic.

We gather … read more.

Ingathering at UUFH

Come join in a multi-generational Ingathering, including the Water Communion. (Some folks may have gathered water from their travels, but water from the fellowship will be on hand to pour into a common bowl.)

We gather for worship … read more.

A Country So Beautiful

Dewey stated that “democracy is a form of government only because it is a
form of moral and spiritual association”. We will consider what the mountains
tell us about our life together.

Scott Neely
serves as minister at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Spartanburg,
SC. Neely is a founding board member … read more.

From Here to There

Here you are: poised for the journey to the there you want to become. But the there’s there are different than they’ve been; more vital and needed than ever but less obvious. People increasingly don’t want “church” but yearn for the connection, comfort and challenge … read more.