“Johnny Cash for President: 2020”
The country aches for gut-level leadership right now
The country aches for gut-level leadership right now
As a television producer, UUFH congregant John Owens covered the passage of the “American with Disabilities Act” (ADA) in 1990. Little did he know at the time how important the legislation would mean to him personally. John reflects on the importance of the ADA on its 30th … read more.
It was 16 years ago when Frank Warren began PostSecret, a project based on collecting self-revealing, anonymous postcards. From the silly to the searingly painful, PostSecret has since become an imperfect but useful example of the power of confession. Don will offer a summary … read more.
This year, 2020, has had many of us scratching our heads, and wringing our hands, and saying a few choice words. Rabbi Jackson has said many different four letter words during these last few months. In this sermon, we discuss just a few of them, … read more.
As Mental Health Month in the U.S. comes to a close, how do we honor deep suffering, yet offer hope in a cruel time?
For information about our Sunday Zoom gathering, go HERE.
Until we feel that it is appropriate and … read more.
Easter is the season when we traditionally celebrate Flower Communion and celebrate the rebirth of new life in spring. The reality of today is unprecedented in our lifetimes. Yet, Easter still beckons to us, with its message of rebirth, life, and hope. Please join me … read more.
We know that many folks struggle with the shorter days of winter, even this side of the winter solstice. As we begin the new year, Don will lead us in a look at SAD’s spiritual side.
The Social Justice Team and Don will lead us in a look at a new social justice model for UUFH, and the four broad issues for your consideration. We’ll follow the service with a Q&A session at noon.
Together for Peace and Justice by Xavier de … read more.
What is our case for hope? Given all that’s going wrong in the world today, do we have cause for hope?
We could recite the litany of challenging things that need to be addressed, and the list only seems to grow. But are there soul-filled real … read more.