Topic: Intention

“Formed, and Transformed by Hope”

Due to adverse weather, this will be a Zoom only service. The link is available via your established email

Marc will propose that hope for the future must begin with an entangling and transforming sense of kinship between human beings and the beings of the Earth.

“Thinking Green” (World Café Worship Service)

We’re kicking off the new year with a conversation about the earth, climate change, and eco-justice and we want your input. Using the “World Café” method of brainstorming and gathering information, we’ll gauge what our passion might be to bring these eco-justice issues to our UUFH faith community in an intentional way for further education and future action.


It was 16 years ago when Frank Warren began PostSecret, a project based on collecting self-revealing, anonymous postcards. From the silly to the searingly painful, PostSecret has since become an imperfect but useful example of the power of confession. Don will offer a summary … read more.

The New Normal

Photo by Sarah Kilian on Unsplash

If I hear “these troubled times” one more time, I might scream! However, 2020 has been – so far! – a year to remember … or to forget! With so much uncertainty (2020 election, CoVid vaccine, unabated racism in this country), what … read more.

Simply This

Maybe it’s the small things. Maybe it’s just about this one day. Or this one person, or this one moment. Maybe when we focus on what we CAN do, we can do a whole lot more. Meg will bring her social work perspective and Todd will bring his … read more.