Topic: Unitarian Univeralism

Top Ten Reasons Liberal Religion Still Matters

It’s important to pause now and then, just to be reminded that we have been entrusted with a rich and demanding way of life. Don will lead as we revisit the basics of that tradition.

We gather for worship and fellowship each … read more.

Putting UU Principles Into Practice

Having grown up in the Louisville, KY Unitarian church, Kitten Bulen will talk about how her faith values determined the professional choices she has made throughout her life. She was engaged in individual justice work, but is this enough? A basic tenet of our Unitarian-Universalist … read more.

Starr King, the Orator who Saved the Union

Who was Starr King and why is he called the “orator who saved the Union?” As a Unitarian minister in the middle of the nineteenth century, he was widely recognized as a scholar, a skilled speaker, and a compassionate leader of congregations in Massachusetts and … read more.

And 7 Principles Emerge

When asked what Unitarian Universalists believe, many of us stumble a little and look for a list of “the seven principles.” They are fine guides as they are, but our traditions are deeper and more grounded than that list.

The principles emerge from something more.

If … read more.