Looking for a stay-at-home way to be involved with Social Justice issues? Overwhelmed by a multitude of issues and action alerts?
The Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry of North Carolina (UUJMNC) wants to help. Now, each Friday at 11:00am through the end of June, you can join a UUJMNC Zoom session hosted by Lisa Garcia-Sampson, UUJMNC Executive Director, with fellow UUs from across the state. UUJMNC will provide a list of social justice actions (telephone calls – with script suggestions), petitions, letters, etc. that our national, state, and local justice partners have called on us to do. These sessions begin with a brief check-in, introduction of that week’s actions, and then the work begins. Music, fellowship, and support are available.

To participate:
On Fridays at 11:00am: begin on the uuforwardtogether.org website. Look for the “Join Us for Friday Action Hour” title in the middle of the home web page. Click on the Join Us link for the Zoom meeting link and list of actions.
If the live Zoom Action Hour is not your preferred time or means of action, you can still access the action alert information for that week then or at any convenient time. From the same uuforwardtogether.org web page Join Us link, skip the Zoom information and go straight to the action list. The list will be updated weekly.
While you are on the UUJMNC website, check around for more information about UUJMNC and a host of other useful social justice information and links to other NC justice organizations and to other NC UU congregations. There is even a link to subscribe to the UUJMNC newsletter and action alerts so you can stay informed.