Left Photo: (left to right) – Charlotte Corrigan, Angie Hunter, Becky Davis, Ron Partin, Ron Hollmeier, & Joe Robustelli
Right Photo: (left to right) – Becky Davis, Ron Partin, Rich DeSimone, Ron Hollmeier, & Joe Robustelli
On Thursday, August 22nd, UUFH volunteers worked on a new Habitat for Humanity home in Dodd Meadows. Workers on this and other 2019 dates included Rich DeSimone, Joe Robustelli, Ron Partin, Becky Davis, Ron Hollmeier, Ed Law, Joan Shields, Ken Schmidt, and Mays Swicord.
Charlotte Corrigan of the Social Justice Outreach Team presented Angie Hunter, Habitat’s Director of Development, a UUFH Check for $300 from the SJOT Fund. This was the last “holdback” donation for the 2018-2019 fiscal year.
The 10% holdback from 3 Outreach Collections conducted funded a total of $700 in UUFH donations beyond those collected and made to Youth Hunger, Dreamers and Immigration Aid recipients.