Forward Together, the UU Justice Ministry NC, has joined with Reclaim our Vote to counter voter suppression through a postcard campaign. This activity is part of UUtheVote efforts in our state and, as a bonus, is fully compatible with stay at home/social distancing orders.
Reclaim Our Vote, a non-partisan phone bank, post carding and text-banking campaign created by the Center For Common Ground, focuses on contacting voters of color in voter-suppression states to help them register and vote. You may be aware that purging of voter rolls is a long-standing issue in North Carolina and throughout the South. For example, in early 2019 alone, 576,534 voters were purged from the North Carolina voter rolls as “routine maintenance”. We can do something about this.
UUFH Social Justice Outreach Team members are excited to join the UUJMNC effort and through the Reclaim Our Vote Project.
We can all reach out to voters who may have been de-registered. All are welcome to participate in this voting rights action. Many of you will recall that in 2020 voting rights is a threshold issue for our Congregational/ Climate Justice Project,
Reach out to SJOT member, Kitten Bulen by Friday, May 22nd. Contact office HERE, if you need assistance getting in touch.