Virtual Worship
Services are live streamed on Sundays at 10:30am.
Watch on our YouTube channel.
“So What Are You Saying ?”
Through our body language we can understand ourselves and others a little more clearly.
Read more about our Upcoming Services.
Stones of Compassion
You may share a joy or sorrow to be read by the Minister or Worship Associate during Stones of Compassion on Sunday in three ways:
- Email
- Submit through the form on this page.
- Fill out a card (available in the foyer) prior to service.
Please provide a short message (2-3 sentences) and your name. Since we livestream many services, we’ll only read your first name and last initial.

Indoor Worship Services
After consultation with the UU Association and neighboring UU congregations, we resumed our in-person worship services. The UUFH Board & Worship Team ask that everyone follow these guidelines:
- Think inclusively and communally. Help us keep the unvaccinated, children and their caregivers, visitors, and others safe.
- Save the hugs for outside.
- Face coverings are now optional, but still appreciated.
- Some sanctuary chairs are stacked to allow greater distance between seats.
- Use the downstairs for restrooms only. (Antiseptic gel and wipes are available in all restrooms.)
- Coffee Hour is back! Come for Coffee & Conversation after service.
- We are singing again.
Thanks for your patience as we seek to keep everyone safe.
Notes on Our Use of Creative Content
Permission to Live Stream/Podcast the music in our services obtained from ONE LICENSE (license #A740669), CCS WORSHIPCast (license #42711), and CCLI (license #4504202). All Rights Reserved.
Readings chosen for this service, likewise, are from UUA approved sources, in the public domain, permission was granted by the creator and/or copyright holder, or is considered “Fair Use” under U.S. Copyright Law.
UUFH respects creative content boundaries and strives to comply with legal and ethical use of copyrighted content. If you feel that a piece of content shared during this service crosses a legal or ethical boundary, please contact us and we will make it right.

Previews of our Upcoming Services are HERE