Waste Not, Want Not: A Zero Waste Workshop

Mark your calendar for an upcoming interactive workshop on how to save money and save the Earth by learning about 3 sustainable practices:

  1. Recycling in Henderson County
  2. Cutting food waste
  3. Composting

The interactive workshop is free!

Two chances to attend:

  • Sunday, June 30 – 12-2 at UU Fellowship of Hendersonville (2021 Kanuga Road)
  • Tuesday, July 2 – 6-7:30 p.m. at Dodd Meadows Community Center (28 Hofer Ct, East Flat Rock)

Light snacks will be provided.

You can also purchase a countertop kitchen bins for $5.

The workshop is presented by Jan Partin, Emily Reasoner, Amy Landers of GardensThatMatter.com, and Amy Schmitte of Henderson County.

Advance reservation preferred: