Family Ministry

 Sunday Service at the Fellowship 10:30 am – All Ages

Baha’is Celebrate Their Founder

Sunday we will learn about the upcoming holidays in the Baha’i faith, the twin holidays, celebrating the birth of the founders. Our activity will include creating a unity tree in honor of their teachings. The tone of this holiday is one that is lively and celebratory, much like the celebration of the birth of Jesus in Christianity. Come and join us! We are meeting in Fellowship hall downstairs, with Covid protocols in place including masking.

Be sure to sign up for the weekly Family Ministry emails to get more details and notifications about our activities.

Sunday Night Youth GroupOff this week, meets bi-weekly – Ages 13-17 (Middle School to High School)

Lisa Simpsons Is A Social Justice Warrior

Our new curriculum theme for the year is Lisa Simpson is a Social Justice Warrior. The Zoom gatherings will be centered around Social Justice which includes an episode for us to watch together, followed by discussion, and interactive games.

Please note; we will began to meet bi-weekly, returning Sunday Nov 21 6-7 p.m. Be sure to sign up for the mailchimp Youth Group Family Ministry weekly email for more details.