“A Yield Sign is Not Enough:”

The Necessity of Pausing In These Times

Using inspiration from thinkers around the globe, we explore with a lense of radical resistance what it means to pause, to slow down, as we face intense change

 Lauren Agrella-Sevilla, guest speaker

Lauren Agrella-Sevilla lives in Brevard with her sweetheart, Matthew, and their two young sons, Asa and Elias. She is an educator who has worked as a school and nonprofit leader, teacher of history and literature, environmental educator, yoga, and mindfulness instructor – pursuits she sees as all intimately connected to what it means to be human. Currently, she teaches and is also a student of social work and of restorative justice practices. She loves the forest, poetry, growing food, riding her bike, traveling, and learning from others about various ways to engage fully and open-heartedly with this life.


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