Topic: Change

“Thinking Green” (World Café Worship Service)

We’re kicking off the new year with a conversation about the earth, climate change, and eco-justice and we want your input. Using the “World Café” method of brainstorming and gathering information, we’ll gauge what our passion might be to bring these eco-justice issues to our UUFH faith community in an intentional way for further education and future action.

When One Door Closes . . .

Many of us are likely familiar with the expression, “When one door closes, another opens.” But what do we think about it? Is it an overly-optimistic way of dealing with setbacks and loss? Or, is there a kernel of truth in it for spiritual seekers like us Unitarian Universalists?

“An Undeclared War “

While our UU denomination focuses on racism, homophobia, and transphobia and the Right Wing foments a culture war and attacks our democracy, a war is occurring right underneath our noses which hardly anyone is talking about.