“Becoming a clear vessel for Sacred Activism”

Rev. DeBorah Ogiste, guest speaker

Rev DeBorah uses her straight talk style of communicating to speak the truth and draw out the truth in others without judgment or ridicule. DeBorah believes that we all must be happy learners no matter how difficult our learning experience may be. Her personal mantra is that Love is the highest vibration in the world.

Rev. DeBorah Ogiste, Support Minister of Diversity Enrichment at Unity of The Blue Ridge, Mills River, NC

DeBorah Ogiste Also Known as DeBorah Satyagraha (Reliance on truth) is an Ordained New Thought Minister a Carrier of the sacred Pipe which is used for prayer and healing. She is a Certified Reiki Master, Tuning Fork Practitioner, Spiritual life coach; a high intuitive and open channel using her gifts for holistic healing. DeBorah is a writer and facilitator of workshops & retreats. She is a developer of programs that hold space for mental, emotional, spiritual and physical transformation. She is one of the founders of The BIPOC Raw Show which is dedicated to making a difference to bring about ethnic, religious and sexual orientation inclusions throughout the world.

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