Holy is a word that is typically interpreted in the light of ethics. Rudolf Otto revolutionized our understanding of holy when he traced it back to its origins and discovered that it had to do with a direct, immediate experience of the “numinous”. The numinous experience involves the ambivalent emotions; mysterium, tremendum (trembling) and mysterium fascinins (fascination) and an encounter with some “thing” that disturbs. We can experience a “holy” moment when we open up to the mystery and wonder of life.
Rev. Ernest L. Mills, Jr., guest speaker

Rev. Ernest L. Mills, Jr. is Minister Emeritus at Unitarian Universalists of Transylvania County since he retired from UUTC in 2015. Ordained to the UU ministry in 2007, Ernie completed a BA in Philosophy from the University of North Carolina at Asheville, a Master of Religious Education from Duke Divinity School, and a Master of Divinity from the Candler School of Theology at Emory University. He began his ministry in the United Methodist Church, serving as director of education, assistant pastor, and minister. Prior to joining UUTC in June 2002, Ernie was Chaplain and Instructor at Brevard College.
His strong interest in depth psychology and his love of folk guitar and mountain storytelling enhance his theology and brought an added dimension to his ministry. As lead singer and guitarist for the Eclectics, Ernie performed regularly for the congregation.
Topics: Mysticism, Perspective, Wisdom
Wonderful man. Knew him from Camp Highlander, over 35 years ago. All of us campers looked up to him. He helped me when I was really homesick. I always knew he was meant for bigger things. God bless Ernie!