Topic: Wisdom

“The Other “G” Word”

 How might we incorporate gratitude into our daily lives? How can gratitude help us create a ripple effect of good will that can help transform our relationships, communities, and world?

The Myth of Normal

What have we normalized in our culture that causes trauma to the human spirit? What actions can we UUs take for our individual and collective spiritual well being?

When One Door Closes . . .

Many of us are likely familiar with the expression, “When one door closes, another opens.” But what do we think about it? Is it an overly-optimistic way of dealing with setbacks and loss? Or, is there a kernel of truth in it for spiritual seekers like us Unitarian Universalists?

Be Like Francis

This Sunday, bring your well-behaved furry, feathered, finned, or scaled animal companion (or a photo) to our own! And let’s explore ways we might “be like Francis” and advocate for the most vulnerable among us.

Letting Go, Getting Free

How might we each, in the words of Christian theologian and ethicist Lewis Smedes, practice the notion that “to forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.”?

“No Mud, No Lotus”

What is the mud of your life? Of our collective lives as a community and nation? How might we encourage happiness to manifest in difficult times?