UUFH Settled Minister

George Grimm-Howell is confirmed.

On Sunday, April 28th, the members of our UUFH congregation voted to confirm George Grimm-Howell as our new Settled Minister. Thank you to all who participated in the vote in person, by proxy or on Zoom. All voices were heard!

Our voting members made their decision with careful consideration and this confirmation reflects the collective voice and commitment of our community.

We are excited about the journey ahead and believe that George will lead us with wisdom, love, and courage.  George begins his ministry with us on August 1, 2024 and will settle into his other responsibilities before taking the pulpit in September.

Thank you all for your engagement and support during this important process.

We all look forward to embarking on this new chapter together.  

With joy and anticipation,

Peggy Law, UUFHBoard President