Having grown up in the Louisville, KY Unitarian church, Kitten Bulen will talk about how her faith values determined the professional choices she has made throughout her life. She was engaged in individual justice work, but is this enough? A basic tenet of our Unitarian-Universalist faith is to “Give Life the Shape of Justice” and “Service is our Prayer”, so we must embrace justice work as a congregation, not relegating it to a committee.
To be faithful to our second faith principle, “Justice, equity, and compassion in human relations”, we need to spend our collective time focused on social justice. We, all of us, are our social justice action committee, charged with taking action as a whole, locally and statewide, including joining our faith’s “Justice League”, the Unitarian-Universalist Justice Ministry of North Carolina (UUJMNC). Come to hear Kitten’s stories and consider how we go “Forward Together”, putting our UU principles into practice as a Congregational Justice Partner.
Kitten received a B.A. and M.A. in French at Indiana University; taught high school in Columbus, OH, during which time she founded the UU Congregation East. In 1980 she enrolled in law school with the help of a UUA Scholarship, under which she committed to do social justice work. She was a legal aid attorney before opening her sole practice doing “people law”. She chaired the Juvenile Law Committee, overseeing approximately 200 attorneys, while serving as liaison to the family court judges and magistrates. Arguing over marital matters is expensive and detrimental to families, so Kitten became a certified divorce mediator and active in Collaborative Law. She joined UUFH after retiring with husband Bob to Hendersonville. She also began teaching family law and alternative dispute methods to paralegals and bachelor degree students. So, what comes next?
We gather for worship and fellowship each Sunday with a service at 10:30 followed by coffee hour. Dress is casual. Parking is plentiful. And our building is accessible.
Family Ministry / Sunday School: All Ages meet in Sanctuary at 10:30 AM Children go to classrooms at 10:45 after the “Story for All Ages.” On the lower level, we have a nursery for infants and toddlers, and we have classes where children and youth learn about and explore faith, religion, justice, and community.
We welcome you: your whole self, with all your truths and your doubts, your worries and your hopes. Join us on this extraordinary adventure of faith!
Topics: Justice, Unitarian Univeralism