Topic: Justice

“An Undeclared War “

While our UU denomination focuses on racism, homophobia, and transphobia and the Right Wing foments a culture war and attacks our democracy, a war is occurring right underneath our noses which hardly anyone is talking about.

Justice…For Whom?

20 years ago I preached a sermon at Community Church of New York entitled “Justice…For Whom?” on the subject of police brutality in the context of Independence Day. And here we are, 20 years later, with an updated version of that message. Please join me … read more.

We Remember

It’s been said that war is what happens when humans run out of creative options. Don will lead us in a look at war–from our personal lives to global shooting conflicts. The quest for peace with justice must go on.

Helping Those Left Behind

What happens to families of those who are deported? Often, the breadwinner is the family member who is detained or deported. This leaves a spouse and children to fend for themselves. The purpose of the grant-funded program Helping Those Left Behind is to provide assistance … read more.

Benjamin Hooks on Dr. King

We’ll mark MLK Day 2020 with a recorded speech of the late
Benjamin Hooks, civil rights activist, minister, attorney and ally in King’s work.

A New Way to Serve Justice

The Social Justice Team and Don will lead us in a look at a new social justice model for UUFH, and the four broad issues for your consideration. We’ll follow the service with a Q&A session at noon.

Together for Peace and Justice by Xavier de … read more.