The universe is made of stories, not of atoms, says Muriel Rukeyser. Who are we, but the stories we tell ourselves?
Join Marc as he returns to UUFH on the last Sunday of the year, as he asks us all to examine the stories we tell ourselves. For we turn into our stories, whether they are of abundance and goodness, or deficit and evil. Are our stories just some echo chamber or tired story lines, or might they be renewable gold mines as we mind our life? As we face a brand new – and tumultuous – year, let us pause and check out the stories that we live by, swear by, die for. Are they bringing out our best?

Marc Mullinax is Professor of Religion at Mars Hill University, and a frequent visiting professor at Ewha Womans University in Seoul, Korea. He teaches and learns about the academic study of religion in both regions. His courses include “Religions in Appalachia,” “Hinduism & Buddhism,” “Angels & Demons: A History of the Religious Imagination,” “Religions in America,” and “Living World Religions in Seoul”. He remains a joyful Baptist, even though he has considered all the facts!