Topic: Renewal


It was 16 years ago when Frank Warren began PostSecret, a project based on collecting self-revealing, anonymous postcards. From the silly to the searingly painful, PostSecret has since become an imperfect but useful example of the power of confession. Don will offer a summary … read more.

Finding Hope

Easter is the season when we traditionally celebrate Flower Communion and celebrate the rebirth of new life in spring. The reality of today is unprecedented in our lifetimes. Yet, Easter still beckons to us, with its message of rebirth, life, and hope. Please join me … read more.

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

The universe is made of stories, not of atoms, says Muriel Rukeyser. Who are we, but the stories we tell ourselves?

Join Marc as he returns to UUFH on the last Sunday of the year, as he asks us all to examine the stories we tell ourselves. … read more.

Wholeness Restored

Even though we tend to focus on it as if it were a fragile dualism or threshold between either whole or broken; wholeness is not one or the other, but a more robust, resilient wholeness within wholeness to be recovered, re-imagined and reformed over … read more.