“Sometimes, We’re Just Tired”

Rev. Phillip Thomason

In most of our lives today tiredness is just part of who we are living in this world we call home.  Let us stop for a moment, look around us and listen to those quiet, small voices all around us.  Can you feel the peace?

Phillip grew up in Decatur Georgia, a suburb of Atlanta and attended Emory University for his undergraduate, master’s in divinity at Candler School of Theology and his PhD work in Pastoral Care.

 He served as Minister of Pastoral Care and Outreach at Saint Mark United Methodist Church in midtown Atlanta.  There, he provided care not only for a large in town church but for the surrounding community of men, women and children who were hungry, homeless and in need of care in any way that we could possibly intervene…..drug rehabilitation programs, shelters for women and children and meal programs throughout the city of Atlanta.  He is married to his husband Rick for the past 25 years. They attend Saint Philips Episcopal in Brevard and love to travel, spend time at their little beach place, and continue to believe that in this world there’s still beacons of light for goodness all around!

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