Where Do We Go from Here?


In 1967 The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. took a hiatus from active civil rights work in order to finish what would become his final book, Where Do We Go from HereChaos or Community? 

Today, as we gaze into the fires of chaos unleashed by the January 6th attack on our nation’s Capital Building, perhaps there could be no more fitting or consequential question for us to ask. 

Our present polarized political climate – the likes of which we haven’t seen since the Civil War – threatens to explode our hopes for civil society.

Add to that the ongoing fears of a deadly pandemic, and we truly find ourselves in a precarious place. Where do we go from here? 

 Join Lyndon Harris as we take up this urgent question.

We will explore hopeful constructive thoughts in response, as we seek to move beyond the great divide of this moment, from present chaos to Beloved community.

Lyndon Harris is a forgiveness teacher, coach, and inspirational speaker. His journey to forgiveness began as priest in charge of Saint Paul’s Chapel across from the former World Trade Center in NYC in the aftermath of 9/11. Harris teaches a forgiveness methodology based on the research of, and in collaboration with, Dr. Fred Luskin, and the Stanford Forgiveness Project (Stanford University).

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