Topic: Connection

“An Alternative Theology of Evil”

In this last segment on religious liberals and theology in such times, let’s head into the deep waters of the First Principle, the first of seven value statements adopted in 1984. Don will suggest assigning “inherent worth and dignity” to all may not account for … read more.


Marc Mullinax returns to UUFH on June 21 to speak about an overlooked way to cope with the stresses of life. Too often life becomes ritualized banality … “same old, same old.” And every day seems like the previous one. Life seems to be slipping … read more.

Poetry for Hard Times

The longer we live in the shadow of the coronavirus, the more our spiritual practices come into play. Once dubbed a “dead and dying” art form, poetry still speaks to many of us. Don will make the case that poetry is alive, well and relevant … read more.

A Return to the Heart of Mother’s Day

The “Hallmark” holiday and elaborate Sunday brunch will have to wait for another year. This year we come to Mother’s Day with virtual visits, social distancing as a demonstration of love. But perhaps this year, without the fanfare, we can return to the original spirit … read more.

For Whom Are We Responsible

We live with access to information and to people around the world. Our mailboxes, real and electronic, are filled with requests of our time, our money, our hearts—how do we prioritize our finite resources? Come hear how Rabbi Jackson weaves ancient
Jewish texts together … read more.