A Personal Valentine To Our Public Institutions
We had removed love from our public life — Can we bring love back?
We had removed love from our public life — Can we bring love back?
Christmas Eve, a time of music, story and readings.
This year, 2020, has had many of us scratching our heads, and wringing our hands, and saying a few choice words. Rabbi Jackson has said many different four letter words during these last few months. In this sermon, we discuss just a few of them, … read more.
Marc Mullinax returns to UUFH on June 21 to speak about an overlooked way to cope with the stresses of life. Too often life becomes ritualized banality … “same old, same old.” And every day seems like the previous one. Life seems to be slipping … read more.
The “Hallmark” holiday and elaborate Sunday brunch will have to wait for another year. This year we come to Mother’s Day with virtual visits, social distancing as a demonstration of love. But perhaps this year, without the fanfare, we can return to the original spirit … read more.
Every person wants to be happy. Happiness, though, can be elusive. Love, however, changes everything. We will explore how love changes everything in your life.
The Reverend Dr. Earle Rabb is a retired United Methodist minister from Florida. He and his wife, Ann, are active members of … read more.
Join Katherine and Don as we revisit some UUFH traditions, and share in some new (to us) stories and songs. This is a multi-generational service. Childcare will be available downstairs in the Fellowship Hall.
Note: Please join us after the service in the Fellowship Hall for … read more.
(Recording Coming Soon)
Let us move beyond “unrealistic and commercialized Mother’s Day, let us move to celebrating ethics of care. Let us honor and acknowledge all those who care for others, whether family or simply fellow human beings. Let us recognize compassion put into the service … read more.