UUFH Pledge Drive (part II) February 2024

The UUFH Stewardship Committee continued the 2024-2025 campaign

Organizer Sue Kuehn has more Thank you’s for everyone that participated in the Mirth & Merriment Talent Show

To all who helped fill the Fellowship Hall with mirth and
merriment last Sunday…
Thanks to the extra creative stage crew who problem
solved a production in a “low tech” setting, fixed a
sagging stage curtain, and setup AV: Lee Nichols, (Did
you know Lee was at UU Saturday taking care of office
basement leaks and cleaning out the Cottage, but
stopped everything to go get a desperately needed 8
foot ladder?), Colby Landers, (who brought the other
ladder, and knows how to problem solve with clamps)
and Lou Johnson for his AV help. And our wonderful
stage curtain sign was made by Sunday Parker, who
also provided some AV and bluetooth assistance.
More thanks to Sunday Parker, who graciously dealt
with a greatly rearranged Fellowship Hall as she
conducted the Family Ministry program, and to John
Runkel and the Family Ministry children, who
arranged show seating, and water and snack bags.
And to the Coffee Hour hosts, Joni Sams and Liz
Diehl, who just “went with the merriment flow” and
stayed far longer than usual.
How could we have a show without brave and engaging
performers: Ron Partin, (who offered to be the
opening act, and “set the bar” for mirth and
merriment), Meg Hoke, our ukulele player, Chloe
Parker and Tilden Singleton, our aspiring gymnasts,
Shirley Gruenhut, who brought merry Scoff Joplin into
the act, our Jokester Knock-knock Duo, Wanda
Hughes and Regina Hutchison, Oliver Landers, our
magician, Emmerson Landers, our creative juggler,
David and Sunday Parker, our Taylor Swift show,

with a little dancer named Ava Gaglioti, Logan
Horton, our punkrock singer, and Laura and Lassen
Schifferli our kazoo players (with Regina Hutchison
on tamborine).
Many thanks to Vicki Benavides, our stage manager
and nerve calmer, and to Bill Elder, our photographer,
who captured the mirth and merriment for posterity.
And once again, a big hug to Wanda Hughes for her
care and crafting touches with the email
communications for the talent show.

QUESTION: How do you have a show without an
audience, and one so welcoming and responsive?
Thank you to all the UU attendees. We couldn’t have
had mirth and merriment without you.
…and from our Ice Cream Social and Brownie Bakeoff,
on Feb. 25, thanks to Lynn Weisberg, (the baker I
omitted), who also made delicious brownies to go with
the sundaes.

One Response to “UUFH Pledge Drive (part II) February 2024

  1. Thank you Susan and a thank you to all the participants. Glad to play a small role.

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