What is a Pagan? [Misty Mountain CUUPS of UUFH]

We had such a positive reaction to our participation in the worship service on December 23rd. Many folks wanted to learn about Misty Mountain Covenant of UU Pagans and asked that we be a part of the service more often. It also was suggested that we start a newsletter column, so here goes!

I think it’s important to start with what a CUUPS chapter is and a little about who we are. The Purpose of CUUPS is to include: networking of Pagan-identified UUs, outreach to the larger Pagan community, and Pagan education and liturgical opportunities within UU congregations. CUUPS secured UUA Independent Affiliate status in 1988. Misty Mountain CUUPS joined UUFH in 2013.

What is a Pagan?

A pagan may be a person observing a polytheistic religion, as the ancient Romans and Greeks. It could be a person who worships nature or the earth and/or a person who is not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim. Modern Paganism draws from many cultures and traditions.

Paganism is not new or unusual in our modern life. Halloween costumes and treats, Christmas trees and mistletoe, Easter bunnies and eggs, maypole dances, and hundreds of other folkways began as Pagan practices. Modern-day Pagans seek to restore the religious context of these practices. Because Paganism is a non-creedal religion, such divergent beliefs can exist together under one religious name—just like in Unitarian Universalism! Many modern Pagans find their beliefs are very much in harmony with UU Principles, especially the reverence for “the interdependent web of which we are a part.”

Next month, I will introduce you to our Wheel of the Year and talk about some of our holidays and rituals.

Blessed be,
Regina Hutchison